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Week 1:
May 16: Introduction to Probability
May 17: Counting Methods and Conditional Probability (No quiz)
May 18: Introduction to Random Variables (Drop/Add for Term I ends)
Week 2:
May 21: Expectation and Continuous Random Variables
May 22: Expectation Cont'd; The Normal Distribution Cont'd (Quiz one)
May 23: Review; The Multinomial Distribution (Homework one due)
May 24: Joint Distributions, Covariance and Correlation (Quiz two)
May 25: Joint Distributions, Covariance and Correlation Cont'd
Week 3:
May 28: No Class -- Memorial Day Holiday
May 29: Functions of Random Variables (Quiz three)
May 30: Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem (Homework two due)
May 31: Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem Cont'd (Quiz four)
June 1: Statistical Inference and Estimators
Week 4:
June 4: Maximum Likelihood Estimators
June 5: Revision for Midterm (No Quiz)
June 6: Midterm Exam (11:00am - 12:15pm)
June 7: Bayesian Inference (Quiz five)
June 8: Bayesian Inference Cont'd (Homework three due)
Week 5:
June 11: Confidence Intervals
June 12: Confidence Intervals Cont'd (Quiz six)
June 13: Hypotheses Testing
June 14: Bootstrap (Quiz seven)
June 15: Power Calculation and Bayesian Hypotheses Testing (Homework four due)
Week 6:
June 18: Tests of Independence and Goodness-of-Fit
June 19: Simple Linear Regression and Least Squares (Quiz eight)
June 20: Multiple Linear Regression
June 21: Analysis of Variance (Quiz nine)
June 22: Extra Topics: Designed Experiments and Observational Study; Multicollinearity, Variable Selection and Cross-Validation (Homework five due)
Week 7:
June 25: Revision for Final Exam
June 26: Reading Day
June 27: Final Exam (2:00pm – 5:00pm)